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Beinglikewater posted a new blog:
I consider myself very in tune with my intuition, always have. I've had multiple experiences that defy reality. When I was a kid I had alien experiences and as an adult more ghost/entity stuff. I'm incredibly empathic and have a way with animals most find weird. What about you?

Hi there, also i had paranormal exp, all my idols since im yung sorted out all rh neg, catching them as my personal team, also i see ghosts, aliens, i have premonitions,, i do not say things loud cause they became true (sorry for my english) i feel alone loats of problems in my life, ive understood too late problems of pregnancy, connected with high vib, i try to not make mistakes because ive got morals i feel constantly controlled and alone.


I have had the same. Too many to describe! I am A- too. I have learned how to control the experiences more now that I am matured. Before there was a lot of fear, but now I pray and I feel protected. I have seen and felt a lot, especially in that state between sleeping and awake. I also have a deep connection with animals. Smile


Lots of stuff. My blood type is B-, which is purportedly the ET's favourite blood type when it comes to abductions...


Yes, a great deal. I would imagine a lot of people found this site the same way I did: Doing research on paranormal/ET phenomenon and its connection to RH- blood.