
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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Mike wrote on bnegwoman's wall:

Hi, I would be interested to here what you have found out about our blood, seams to me that it shakes that foundation of evolution, two breeds of human that are incompatible sounds like there is something wrong somewhere. anyway hope to hear from you for a chat.

bnegwoman wrote on Rttur's wall:

Hey there... I wonder about all of those same things regarding our blood. I am a rabid researcher, and find it... "interesting" that so little is apparently known or stated regarding the anomaly that is our blood type, other than silly pop culture fluff about how we must be descended from "aliens." We Rh negs are definitely made of something different in body, mind, and soul though. It's so refreshing to connect with other Rh negs. Hope you're having a great week so far Smile