
Cockermouth, Cumbria, United Kingdom
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Mike posted on bnegwoman's wall:

Hi, I would be interested to here what you have found out about our blood, seams to me that it shakes that foundation of evolution, two breeds of human that are incompatible sounds like there is something wrong somewhere. anyway hope to hear from you for a chat.

Mike posted on Katie's wall:

Hi, I share your dislike of selfies hence the side shot of my face. anyway drop me a line maybe you will let me know your best dance move!?

Mike posted on Joanne's wall:

Hi, just hoping for chat, but not on here very often.

Mike posted on graceland's wall:

Hi, have you found anyone that can keep up with you. maybe I can get a smile out of you or at lest over a intellectual chat.. just have to wait and see...

Mike posted on Oksana's wall:

hi, sorry hello as you asked. Want to chat?

Mike posted on Joanne's wall:

hi, how about the old classic english question. How is the weather down in Sussex?
sorry you the first person on here that I have messaged maybe I can think of something better if you reply...

Mike, from in lovely cumbria next to a lake, well almost..