Due to the nature of this site, I am often asked whether or not I support the blood type diet. I have answered this in every way possible here.

What I am not interested in are other people's theories unless they work on proving them. I actually ignore theories when I see no evidence coming my way. Therefore, I am interested now in sharing some light on other people's thoughts and I am clarifying hereby that they are just that... thoughts.

This is not doctor's advice. This is thought added to thought. No agenda attached, no product to sell.

Joe Rogan - Jordan Peterson's Carnivore Diet Cured His Depression?

The Neanderthals consumed around 80% meat and 20% vegetables.

These percentages varied from group to group, often depending on location. Same as with early humans. However, when we look at the origin of Rh negative people and blood, sea level comes to mind suggesting a strong possibility in a seafood diet having impacted our ancestors and likely been providers of vitamins and minerals preventing conditions prevalent in Rh negatives today, such as autoimmune issues. Whatever percentages of meat vs. veggies may have been in place, one thing is for sure: most people are eating far too many carbohydrates these day.

Not being ourselves is a huge issue on many levels.

How much of you is really YOU?

Discomfort levels are high, but so is enough disconnect from self that knowing where to start to fix things can seem impossible.

My first question to all of you is:

Aside from all of the confusing advice that you may have received over the years, what types of foods do you crave RIGHT NOW?

Social discomfort can be easily turned around by changing the "social" part into surrounding yourself with the people that are right for you and physical discomfort can be easily changed by what you consume.

A lot of people have discipline, but not self-discipline. People don't trust in their instincts, but are easily convinced to develop discipline following a plan that people they like follow. Everyone is different. Everyone's ancestry is different. Assuming that all of the people who share the same blood type, secretor status (but not necessarily Rh factor?) have the same levels of ancestries having lived and hunted/gathered under the same types of conditions consuming the same types of foods in same frequencies doesn't sound like the solution to overall health deficiencies within all general populations (to say the least).

I don't do well when it comes to giving advice to those who do not use common sense first. I have previously experienced giving advice to those solely depending on it to be a waste of time. Meaning: When you stop giving advice, they will not continue on the road even if it changed their lives for the better. Most will search for someone to take your place. Those people will be more than happy to give "advice" often designed to benefit themselves, not you.

I am always hesitant to blame such "advisors" as blame easily follows disappointment bound to happen. If attitude of general populations won't change, someone else will always come to take the place of leaders. It is the easy fix to praise or point fingers. What matters is you and until you develop the proper relationship with yourself, someone else will always come into your life to suck you dry.

Eating fresh and natural foods as much as possible is a must as otherwise your cravings may be tricked by artificial flavors convincing you to consume what has no nutritional value and contains health risks. It takes effort to be healthy, but less effort than complaining about bad health, diets that won't work, how bad the food you eat is and how nobody takes you by the hand to make your life better.

While I do not consider Jordan Peterson's position to be proper advice for everyone, I cannot rule out that for him and his daughter, this might work. Were there tribes only eating meat? Were there tribes only eating veggies?

What impact do our ancestors' diets have on us?

Let's look at some of the advice you may have been given:

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day".

Doctor's advice?


It was a marketing slogan developed by Kellogg's to promote their then new cereal.

How do we know how many times a day to eat?

Have you ever met a parent complaining about his/her child's obesity while pushing the kid to eat as scheduled? Scheduled by whom?

Have there been times you didn't feel like eating but were encouraged to?

Can you remember 3 meals which, after consuming them, you felt truly full? What were they?

I personally remember one meal at an all-you-can-eat seafood place. All I had to eat was shrimp. It's something I've been craving, but never ate as much as I truly wanted. After that meal, I didn't eat until 24 hours later. I was extremely full, truly full, not just stuffed.

Letting someone else dictate what you eat is not that different from letting someone else dictate who you have sex with.

It's a personal choice based on cravings. Not something we should have to report to someone else about.

Being in a disconnected society is part of why so many are so unhappy. 75% of recently asked people in a survey reported they have settled in life. They are not with their partner of choice or career of choice, they settled. If in fact Rh negatives are more likely to carry the "Wanderlust gene", it is likely that we are harder to be made comfortable about settling. Wanderlust doesn't just refer to traveling, but a state of mind where people unhappy are likelier to take chances exploring new opportunities rather than medicating themselves to feel better about a situation they continue to stay settled in. The "Rh Negative Door Slam" for example is all about that moment when enough is enough and we do a u-turn.

All of a sudden we realize who we truly are and go for it. It is one of the many similarities Rh negatives tend to share.

This image holds a lot of weight for me. It shows the unknown "Pi", needed to calculate data regarding energy released from the sun accurately. The number is unknown, it is a placeholder. Placeholders are important when it comes to determining what we know and what we don't. This way you don't have the less knowing fill in the blanks. As far as we know, Pi is infinite and unpredictable. It reminds me that we can come closer to the truth, never reach it completely and most of all, it reminds me to stay away from anyone who claims to know something that has been proven to be unknown without providing significant enough evidence. Nutritional advice is a huge industry.

Many are born to crave advice and guidance, others are conditioned to consider it to be the way. Confusion isn't something we are born with. It comes from contrast between what we sense and what we hear. There is no cure for society as a whole, but there is a cure for you individually. People are so frustrated and do not know why. A lot of conflict arising in the world is really just a struggle within developed into symptoms seeking immediate relief finding non-related non-issues to attach to in hope to find some answers from elsewhere... which never come.

I have recently asked on YouTube if we, the intuitive ones, are truly responsible to heal the world as many Rh negatives have suggested to me. My answer: "No". Not until we are met half-way. We are not. Governments of the world and the situations we are in are a result of everyone, especially enablers, not just the few making decisions as others let them get away with it. This, of course, is turning into much more than a post about diet. Everything connects. It is important to see a bigger picture. We are used to "experts" of specific fields trying to connect the dots without ability to look outside of the boxes they are pushed into where the dots continue to connect just to come back in with solutions.

I don't have YOUR answers.

I am getting closer to MINE.

I will continue to share them as they come my way.

See also:

What is the right diet for rh negatives?

How do blood types and ancestry connect?