
Do you know your blood type?

If the answer is "no", here are 3 options to find out: 1) contact your physician or a hospital you have been treated in. It may be on file. 2) donate blood. They will tell you. 3) Google "blood type testing kit" and order one. Just because a doctor doesn't tell you your blood type, doesn't mean he doesn't have it. If your blood type was ever tested for medical reasons, it will likely remain accessible. If your doctor doesn't want to tell you your blood typ…

Why are you who you are?

Epigenetics is the study of how your behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way your genes work. Unlike genetic changes, epigenetic changes are reversible and do not change your DNA sequence, but they can change how your body reads a DNA sequence. You have a predisposition for developing fingerprints.Identical twins don't have the same fingerprints.https://www.datebytype.com/blogs/view/120/Why-are-epigenetics-important-to-rh-negatives

Why do identical twins have different fingerprints?

These fingerprints start forming in the 10th week after conception when some cells in the middle layer of the skin, called the basal layer, start growing faster than the cells in the inner layer of dermis or outer layer of epidermis. The extra cells cause the skin to buckle and fold into ridges. Source: Charlotte Lozier Institute Part 1: https://www.datebytype.com/blogs/view/120/Why-are-epigenetics-important-to-rh-negatives

Why are so many Rh negative women real estate agents?

No, there is no study out. This is just an observation I wasn't making... it is something that is hitting me daily via our members and new Rh negatives coming my way. Please be aware that I am strongly against the Japanese system of selecting job applicants based on blood type. My work relates only to the quest to understand whether or not there are certain predispositions. What are you good at and what are you passionate about? (Just as I was about to make this post, Lisa commented on a po…

What does your blood type say about your personality?

One thing to remember is how the theories of blood types relating to personality traits once began. Von Dungern claimed A people are superior to B people. Because Asia had more B people than some parts of Europe, the inference was that Asia was inferior (along with European B’s) A Japanese scholar, Takeji Furukawa opposed that idea and asserted that B persons were active while A persons were passive.Baron Emil von Dungern (26 November 1867 – 4 September 1961) was a German internist. Von Dungern…

Are you an Rh- woman looking for an Rh- man?

I don't want to use the term marriage, because what matters is a real relationship leading to healthy and happy children. We have seen tons of medical advancements, but many feel better about having an Rh negative partner leading to Rh negative offspring with no need for taking advantage of it. That is where we come in. Rh disease (also known as rhesus isoimmunization, Rh (D) disease) is a type of hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN). HDFN due to anti-D antibodies is the proper…

Were the Yamnaya responsible for Rh negative frequencies in Europe today?

I have mentioned before on https://www.rhesusnegative.net that there is a good chance that the deletion of the D gene has taken place at different times at different locations, but as was also pointed out to me by another Eupedia member, the Neanderthals were in overlapping locations.As I have also shared on Rhesusnegative.net, the Neanderthals were Partial-D. A.E. Mourant's paper from the 50s suggested Neanderthaloid-like beings around what is now the Basque region may have been the origin…

What exactly is love at first sight?

Whenever I am asked if I believe in something, I askis it?orIsn't it?There is no in betweenin other words:if you think something, nobody can tell you it's not what you're thinking and whether or not you are thinking it wouldn't be opinion basedi also can upgrade fromi think blood types and personality traits are connectedtoi know....but how do i know?if i am 100 percent about something then is think really the correct term?do i need to weaken it?...

Do you have hazel eyes or central heterochromia?

One of my earliest surprises was seeing a gallery of pictures from Rh negative individuals and it seemed like I wound up looking into my own eyes. I saw a sense of familiarity that went far beyond eye color. However, at that time, the high frequency of hazel eyes did appear out of the norm for me... alongside not necessarily red hair, but at least the reddish shimmer.Around 18% of the US population and 5% of the world population have hazel eyes. In other words: Hazel eyes are kind of rare... ...…

Is Rh negative blood copper-based?

Have you ever seen your own blood? What color was it?You can see a much larger version of this image on the following PDF file:https://www.rhesusnegative.net/staynegative/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Chemistry-of-Blood-Colours-2015.pdf

The TRUTH about Rh Negative Blood and Cloning

As far as I have learned, few are aware that there are at least 2 significant studies available regarding this subject. Here is one: Molecular cloning of RhD cDNA derived from a gene present in RhD- positive, but not RhD-negative individuals Here is another one: Molecular cloning and protein structure of a human blood group Rh polypeptide The need to guess is gone. Ask/answer questions in the comment section.ADDED: It will take some time for me to gather and comprise all of the significant highl…

Are Rh negative people restless?

It was one of the first "thoughts" I heard, not from an Rh negative. I was wondering, because I have been accused of restlessness before. I am sure had I been born 20 years later, I would have been diagnosed with something "requiring" Ritalin.Then I see Rh negatives post about thinking fast. They complain that others ask them to slow down and that when they are in conversations, they often tune out, because they get the point within a second having to suffer through 2 more mi…

Introduce yourselves:

Are you new here? Feel free to say hi to everyone here. Been here? Feel free to leave suggestions. What brought you here? What are you hoping to get out of your presence? Please also remember that if anyone makes you uncomfortable here, report the person's message or post. See also: "I don't like rules" https://www.datebytype.com/blogs/view/162/I-don-t-like-rules If you are Rh negative and interested in information, this might be of interest to you: Are you Rh negative?(If yo…

​I don't like rules.

I don't like rules.That's what I have been saying my whole life.Recently I realized what I hate even more:The need for rules.Unfortunately the need has arisen, so here are a few basics to help you enjoy:Never make anyone else on this site feel uncomfortable.This is as simple as I can keep it and when common sense is applied, at least 20 rules I could come up with fall under this very simple umbrella.If you need this explained to you, please leave the site and make others miserable.Don&…

How To Answer This Question: How Much Do You Love Me?

Is this a fair question to ask?Is there a reasonable answer?How would you answer such question?I have my own thoughts on this, but would rather read yours.Here is one from a similar discussion elsewhere:The funniest answer I've ever heard was "I couldn't love you more." Kinda makes you wonder if they mean "more than is measurable" or "not a lot and that's my limit"!!The best answer I've heard is "More than you think." Vague but sounds l…