
O Neg Avatars

Is there any possibility that we O Negs are in fact Avatars? Or perhaps all the Negs are Avatars and the Positives are Sims? What do you think?Maybe all of us have different Alien Avatars running us and Humans and Humanity is a test programme? Dr Bruce Lipton suggests that all humans are Earth Rovers transmitting & receiving data. I like this idea. I saw photos of red blood cells from humans & you can see that our red blood cells have a different pattern. Cymatics shows us sounds made vi…

Is O neg blood Alien?

Is O neg blood Alien? I don't know is my short answer but I really want to find out.I don't think we should wait for or even expect a full O neg origin disclosure from any governmental department & I'm not sure we really deserve one until we have created sufficient action like raising the general populations interest in this human \ Alien story.We may even discover that we are all genetically prone to delusions of grandeur or other mental illness or a form of mind control &…